
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Distance yourself with ageing through walk

Ubqari Magazine - May 2016

Apart from walk and exercise it is also necessary to eat balanced hygienic meals. The contribution of grains, vegetables and fruits should be more than the meat. Meat should be free from fat. The volume of honey, sugar, starchy foods and salt should also be cut in daily meal.

Forget couch and start walking if you like to look fifteen years younger than your actual age. Much you will think about importance of exercise, much you will be convinced. Exercise is useful for people of all ages but it is must for elder people particularly after their forty. Exercise does not mean only to join the Jim and start weight lifting, as light exercises, physical activities and walk are useful kind of exercises. It is widely believed that man need more rest as much as he gets older. However, it is absolutely wrong.  These are the formal baseless concepts. Staying calm, laziness, avoiding from physical activities and walking cause losses to the life in elder age.  Contrary to that, it is time for hard working, and physical activities for successful people. People feel guilty doing physical activities, walk or exercise after their forty. However, regardless of financial circumstances of the one, more physical activities and activeness is necessary after forty to maintain the good level of health. Mostly the elders don’t like the laziness but these are the traditions and social circumstances which make them confined in the home. As a result they lose their health and become more elder and week before time. In western countries, the elder people prefer exercises, walk or any type of sport in order the keep themselves more active.

Experts always advise more and more physical activities, walk and hard working to all age group. Therefore, the elders should not quite physical activities and exercise because of society. Lack of exercise push these people using fluent medicines or spend their remaining life depending to others or at nursing home.

Latest research proves that aging does not always bring weakness rather light exercise is more comfortable in this phase of life. Only firm determination and consistency is required. The research adds that exercise repairs the week cells and also cause increase the year to come in life.  The important scientific reason behind this view is that oxygen is required in all phase of life. Failure in walk or exercise causes around one percent decrease of oxygen in the body. In other words an inactive elder man gets least volume of oxygen that is necessary to strengthen the cells in the body. However, such a lazy man can restore the absorption of oxygen and avert with aging by resuming walk and more physical activities. The aged people can absorb more oxygen by carrying out physical activities. This saves their cells to become weaker and as a result they look like younger than their actual age. Exercise and walk keep cardiovascular system in order, enhance the performance of lungs and keep the blood circulation on.

Regular but light exercise and physical work make the muscles of and reflexes of elder people active and healthy. Unlike the other elder, they maintain rapid reaction and activeness like the young people. They know how and when to use the muscles.

The light exercise inclusive fast walking, jogging, climbing stairs, slow cycling, gardening, domestic works and small type of repairing etc. The key advantage of exercise is that it does not cholesterol level high, keep the veins clean, extends the heart comfort and relieves from unnecessary tension and stress. It reduces amazingly the risk of heart diseases.

As per the survey of Dutch scientists, lazy people are more vulnerable as they don’t find opportunities to move in their home or at workplace. They should know, if they are going to fatness, that they are dangerously vulnerable for disruption in digestive system, arthritis, and cardiovascular. Those who do not walk even for at least two hours are also at risk. Walk or any light exercises for at least half an hour is must for these people to avert the heart diseases. This will bring oxygen into their cells appropriately and will also avert from shrinking of heart veins and excess cholesterol. Apart from walk and exercise it is also necessary to eat balanced hygienic meals. The contribution of grains, vegetables and fruits should be more than the meat. Meat should be free from fat. The volume of honey, sugar, starchy foods and salt should also be cut in daily meal. 

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